Puppy Dog Training
Do you need puppy dog training? Is your puppy 8 to 24 weeks old? Our puppy preschool and puppy Kindy classes have got you covered.

Get $15 Off any January or February puppy dog training class when you make your booking by 15th January

Puppy Preschool
- Is for puppies 8 to 14 weeks old
- Industry leading group classes
- Instructor is a behavioural expert
- Your puppy learns early foundation training
- Fun socialisation
- Prevents problems
- Get $15 off when you redeem the coupon code HAPPYNEWYEAR when you make your booking before 15th January
- Learn More and Book Now

Kindy Puppy
- Is for puppies who are 15 weeks to 24 weeks old
- Specifically designed for puppies who missed puppy preschool
- Great for dogs who need more socialisation and training
- Teaches you how to deal with problem behaviours
- Run by a canine behavioural expert
- Get $15 off when you redeem the coupon code HAPPYNEWYEAR when you make your booking before 15th January
- Learn More and Book Now