Dog Training with COVID-19 Statement
I continue to be updated and follow the Government’s advice regarding the current pandemic. At this stage we can continue Dog Training with COVID-19 aka the Coronavirus.
The most recent advice is that non-essential indoor gatherings should have adequate space i.e. 4 metres squared for each person. Dog training group classes with Miss Behaviour Dog Training Services already have this in place. Therefore dog training group classes such as Puppy Preschool and Kindy Puppy Training are still going ahead.
We will also follow the hygiene practices recommended in addition to social distancing measures.

Controls against Coronavirus
- We do not need to physically touch each other e.g. no handshakes
- Clients have no need to touch doors, switches, tables or chairs. You can walk in without having to come into contact with anything other than your dogs leash and the ground at your feet
- Each person has adequate space of at least 4 metres squared
- Kindy puppy training is conducted outside, it is not an enclosed space
- Puppy preschool is conducted in a large hall/gym, space is not an issue. We use F10 disinfectant for puppies already and the manufacturer has advised this is also effective at killing Coronavirus COVID-19.
- My hands are frequently washed with soap and hand sanitiser. However, I will not be touching you, or your dogs collar, harness or leash
- Class sizes are small – not more than 5 dogs at a time. I also ask that there is one person per dog
- Clients are advised to not come to class if they have been overseas in the last 14 days. Have been in contact with someone who has tested positive to Coronavirus. Are feeling unwell with symptoms such as fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath.
- Your class can be postponed or delivered online in the case that you come down unwell. Or if further restrictions are put in place that restricts business trading.
I continue to be guided by Government advice and you can find out more here